Electric Mini, Jerez dear la Frontera

EV Subscription

For many people a car is a very important instrument that is vital for work and life in general. Thus, there is a question of whether to purchase or just rent a vehicle. A lot of flexible offers are available on the market for each individual, however not all of them are so attractive especially after the transport’s specifications have changed significantly in recent years and electrification has become a new trend. Before making a decision it is important to compare electric car subscription vs buying, as such an analysis can save a person much money in the long term perspective.

electric vehicle
Image by Unsplash+

Pros and cons of modern solutions

All offers related to the EV subscription are more convenient because companies that offer such options have taken care about many aspects which arise and become problems for people who are going to purchase autos. Different services mean different rules, but there is always an opportunity to read the terms and conditions as well as electric car subscription FAQ’s content before starting to use the vehicle. It is worth to say that even the worst possible offers related to EV subscription can still be better than alternative leasing or standard purchase. To make a choice will be easier if all the strengths of the subscription are shown and available for consideration.

The service for EV subscription is good because:

  • allows driver changing cars each month;
  • total cost of rent is usually two times cheaper;
  • free charging can be included in a bundle;
  • free maintenance and coverage of all costs;
  • insurance is included.
the guy is carrying a charger for an electric car
Photo by JUICE on Unsplash

Subscriptions can be very interesting from all points of view, and depending on the company additional pleasant surprises will make this type of offer only more attractive. Of course, the car won’t become a 100% property of the driver and this is one not very significant problem that actually exists. On the other hand, individuals who prefer to use leasing can deal with it without confusion.

Photo by John Cameron on Unsplash